“True patriots really do exist. Which doesn't necessarily mean this man
is voting Democrat, but that he has an idea of how to act.” We need more
of his kind....
Something that really bothers me is people don't have
respect for the Office of the President of the United States. It doesn't matter
if you disagree with or hate the occupant of the Office, you still need to show
respect toward it. It is wrong to make fun of the president. Whether good or
bad leadership, The Word of God commands us to pray for our government leaders,
not make fun of their faults, mistakes, and wrongdoings. It drives me crazy when I see parts of speeches from presidents posted on various social media where things have been taken out of context, or when false propaganda is spread. A good example of a president's speech being taken out of context, is something I saw recently on my Facebook newsfeed. If you are not familiar, let me explain. There has been a video circulating in which President Obama seems to be telling a group of college students that a people can only exist under strict government control. Now I realized right away that there was no way a president of this United States would make such comments. So I did a little research and found a video of the entire speech. Better yet, I found this video below explaining how the president's words had been taken entirely out of context. Click on this link to see how people manipulate the pubic by cutting parts of a whole speech out:
found out today that the video I posted is not able to be viewed. So I
found the full speech. It's over 30 minutes long, but If you watch from
minutes 3 to 4, you will hear the words in context. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVZWLqkBtf0#t=337
Now I have my reservations about our current president, but I research the facts, to try to get at the truth. and I have found that nine times out of ten, something that is really hard to believe is usually a lie put forth by special interest groups who will stop at nothing to sway our opinions to their way of thinking.
To be honest, I was a bigger supporter of President Bush but I realize he too came up against extreme scrutiny. I am the first to admit I was not a fan of his "No Child Left Behind" act. But why do we have to bo so disrespectful of the highest office in the country? Here is an example of propaganda spread to compare this former president to Hitler: (Please pardon the profanity here)
George Bush another Hitler? Really? Funny but I must have been on vacation when he sent millions of Americans to the gas chamber! Here is is again, total disrespect for the man WE voted into office to serve and protect compared to a mass murdering madman! How do these things help our country? Frankly both these examples I take as an insult to my intelligence.
The same point goes for my feelings on law enforcement
officers. I may not like the attitude of some members of law enforcement, but we
should still show them respect by addressing them as authority. There are bad cops out there just like there are bad presidents, teachers, pastors, priest...doctors...But they are in the minority. the vast majority are good, caring and decent human beings. Many times we get ourselves worked into a frenzy, over things we know little or nothing about!! Our children
are watching us people! What are we teaching them?
Please don’t misunderstand me, we should do everything we can
to expose corruptness, and those who misuse their authority, in fact, it is
expected of us to call out all works of evil. But we need do it in a way that
brings the real truth to light. Too many
of us today just don’t want to take the extra time to really research and find
out the real facts about what goes on in government, law enforcement or education. Unless you are a teacher, an officer of the law, or even the president, we really have no idea what it is like to walk in their shoes for even one day!
Please. This is America. We are not barbarians!! And America's respect for everyone, even the
office of President, seems to be spiraling to a new low.
It doesn't matter how much disrespect our leader 'invites', he still holds the Office of the President of the United States. Criticizing is one thing, but attacking him because of reasons not related to his Presidency or comparing them to the likes of Hitler or Bin Laden is not in line with Christian principles. Paul wrote: "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God" (Romans:13:1). Even the Roman government of Jesus' time had its own problems with corruption and abuse of power. But such behavior does not give people an excuse to disobey the law or disrespect the authority of their leaders. You can say Bush made some poor decisions or Obama made stupid decisions, you can say they are leading us in the wrong direction, but insulting them personally or spreading untrue propaganda is going too far. We have a system of government in place that I believe in, and I hold fast to the hope that good will prevail as long as we act as concerned citizens, not ravenous rebels. Once the election results are tallied and the Oath of Office is taken that person becomes the President of all Americans. Whether Democrat or Republican, Conservative, Progressive, Liberal or Independent, that person becomes OUR PRESIDENT. We all live in this country and we all need to come together in the spirit of love and concern for truth. The presidency is an office that shoulders massive responsibility not just as the American President but as the leader of the free world. Those who take on this job deserve our respect, regardless of party affiliation. Once elected, the person in office is the President of the United States and that alone deserves your respect as a citizen of the country they lead. If you are an American citizen it is your duty to respect the Office of the President of the United States. If you disagree, please let me know, by posting your comments; otherwise, won’t you join me in praying for our country and It’s leaders? I believe it’s the only way to real change. The state of the world today and the way so many have turned away from Biblical principles should motivate us to pray, for Divine intervention. If you love our nation and the independence we enjoy as I do, then I challenge you to kneel before the Lord and cry out to Him on behalf of our country and those who lead us. Ask God to send another Great Awakening to revive America and give us strength for whatever our future holds.
It doesn't matter how much disrespect our leader 'invites', he still holds the Office of the President of the United States. Criticizing is one thing, but attacking him because of reasons not related to his Presidency or comparing them to the likes of Hitler or Bin Laden is not in line with Christian principles. Paul wrote: "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God" (Romans:13:1). Even the Roman government of Jesus' time had its own problems with corruption and abuse of power. But such behavior does not give people an excuse to disobey the law or disrespect the authority of their leaders. You can say Bush made some poor decisions or Obama made stupid decisions, you can say they are leading us in the wrong direction, but insulting them personally or spreading untrue propaganda is going too far. We have a system of government in place that I believe in, and I hold fast to the hope that good will prevail as long as we act as concerned citizens, not ravenous rebels. Once the election results are tallied and the Oath of Office is taken that person becomes the President of all Americans. Whether Democrat or Republican, Conservative, Progressive, Liberal or Independent, that person becomes OUR PRESIDENT. We all live in this country and we all need to come together in the spirit of love and concern for truth. The presidency is an office that shoulders massive responsibility not just as the American President but as the leader of the free world. Those who take on this job deserve our respect, regardless of party affiliation. Once elected, the person in office is the President of the United States and that alone deserves your respect as a citizen of the country they lead. If you are an American citizen it is your duty to respect the Office of the President of the United States. If you disagree, please let me know, by posting your comments; otherwise, won’t you join me in praying for our country and It’s leaders? I believe it’s the only way to real change. The state of the world today and the way so many have turned away from Biblical principles should motivate us to pray, for Divine intervention. If you love our nation and the independence we enjoy as I do, then I challenge you to kneel before the Lord and cry out to Him on behalf of our country and those who lead us. Ask God to send another Great Awakening to revive America and give us strength for whatever our future holds.