Thursday, January 5, 2017

Would The Grown-ups in the Room Please Stand Up?

I was thinking this morning,( a dangerous prospect for sure, but it's really time for the adults in this country to stop, stand up, and take the time to think about the future of our youth. Over coffee and the quiet of my kitchen in the early morning  hours I pondered: What makes individuals treat each other with such violent hatred? 
After reading the  headlines today about the man pictured on the left, I decided not to post the video; I don’t expect anyone to watch something I find difficult to view for over 5 seconds. (I blurred out his face, the video is easy enough to find on your own). Still, as disturbing and evil as this example of human degeneracy is, I feel it’s important to talk about it in the  anti-Trump, era that seems to grow stronger with each new day.
 This horrific behavior, was perpetrated in Chicago by 4 deeply troubled youth,  indoctrinated by the hate messages spun daily over social media. At the center of this viciousness is special needs white male kidnapped, beaten and tortured in the name of racism and over hatred for Donald Trump, and broadcast by the perps, over Facebook, live (for over 30 minutes).  This barbaric act, and others like it, is not limited to one race or group, but it does illustrate how dark and troubled our world has become, and how quickly and deeply our country is spiraling downward away from decency. Progress made by civil rights movements over the last several decades is slowly eroding away as we descending as a civilized country to a very troubling place in regard to respect for humanity. Across the social media landscape immensely popular puppet master pages like, Occupy Democrats, The Other 98%, and US Uncut continue to indoctrinate young minds into hate factories.   
What is even more alarming is that some are more upset at the BBC doing a comedy sketch "The Real Housewives Of Isis" than they are of an innocent defenseless man with special needs being kidnapped, forced to drink toilet water, tied up and beaten.
It’s time for the adults in the room to stop pitting people against each other and take a serious look at what we are doing to our youth.  As Americans we ALL need to accept responsibility for what is happening in this country. Stop blaming other races, stop blaming Donald Trump,  President Obama and politicians and start putting the blame on the one we see in the mirror. 
We need to start UNDERSTANDING what PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY really means, and live it daily,  ALL Americans need to accept responsibility for future generations, start practicing some common sense, become an INFORMED citizen, support and defend the Constitution, be a good person, listen to others, encouraging open dialogue; especially with those with whom you disagree, and above all else, pray. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and compassion; pray for your family, your neighbor, this country, and our world. The time is now to stop wallowing in our own self-pity and arrogance and start coming together to do the hard work of uniting in a spirit of love for our fellow man. As one US governor said recently: "America is the great idea - an idea of our forefathers for ALL it’s inhabitants. Now we must bring our best ideas to bear in order to build America for a new century. And we must do so in the manner our forefathers wanted: Together. One nation. Under God. Indivisible."