Friday, April 18, 2014

Did He Just Say That???

“It is finished.” I sometimes wonder how Jesus’ disciples felt when they heard those words. After all the horrible things they had watched that day. Witnessing the man they had loved and followed for 3 years being tortured, beaten, and humiliated, and finally, dying right before their eyes in what appeared to be a tragic failure of justice; an innocent man, their friend and brother…dead. They had no idea what was about to happen in the next few days. We know how the story ends...they, did not. Think of the desperation and sorrow they felt!  To us the cross is a symbol of salvation and forgiveness. To them,  it must have been surreal; a picture of a vicious and deep failure.  Jesus was dead.  They had given up everything in their lives to follow him. They believed he had come to bring liberation from the Romans and a new Kingdom for their people promised so long ago.  I think we have all been where the disciples were that day.  We have all been at the foot of the cross, like them, wondering, bewildered and confused. What do we do when we hear of and experience all the darkness in the world full of injustice, misery, violence, hate, and persecution?  Do we act like Judas and betray Him? Or like Peter and deny our association with Him? Maybe we slip into the safety of the crowd who shouted “Crucify Him”; or maybe we are just like Mary, grieving silently, feeling powerless. I have been like all these people at one time in my life.  I guess it is all part of my journey. But what gives me hope, is when I read about the men who came for Jesus’ body. Two men, who secretly followed Jesus  were the only ones to come and claim his lifeless body and give it a proper burial. All through Jesus’ ministry, they remained silent, afraid to admit their allegiance to him out of fear. What compelled them to come forward now, into the light and do the right thing? It must have taken great I know I did. And I know that this is not the end…but rather…this is an amazing beginning. He is not finished….not by a long shot.
courage…but then, sometimes people find their faith in such darkness. They find the strength to stand up and claim Him for all eternity.