Monday, August 25, 2014

Things My Mother Taught Me

My mother is never far from my mind. This weekend was a little difficult, I was really missing her. Sundays are the hardest because we used to try to get out and do something fun together before she became too sick to leave the house anymore. This past Sunday was a beautiful day, and it got me to thinking about some photos I took the day after her funeral. I had taken a drive that day to her favorite places before heading home. I guess I wasn’t quite read to begin life without her just yet. So I traveled about that day.   One of those places was the Loess Hills.
Stopping at different places we used to go.
She loved those hills,  having grown up in them, and she love to go to an overlook  in the hills, where you could see for miles. There she would always recite to me the history of their geology. She would tell me how this particular chain of Loess is unlike any other in the country. “When you think of Iowa and Nebraska,” she would say, “you think of flat plains and rolling fields of corn. But here, we are standing over 200 feet above the plains,  on one of only two places like this in the entire world” She would proceed to tell me again how only in China are there a chain of hills like this, formed during the Ice Age, when glaciers advanced down into the mid-continent of North America, grinding underlying rock into a fine powder-like sediment called "glacial flour."  She would recite again as she had every time we visited that place that as temperatures warmed, the glaciers melted and enormous amounts of water and sediment rushed down the Missouri River valley and the sediment was eventually deposited on flood plains downstream, creating huge mud flats. She would go on, talking about prevailing winds, blowing in a cycle for thousands of years, creating dunes and eventually, the hills we stand on today. She talked of the creatures that once roamed these beautiful hills, now extinct and of the first peoples who roamed these hills as evident in the artifacts found all around. Then, she would stop, and listen to the sounds…..we would listen together in the silence….only the sounds of birds singing in their treetop homes and the whispering of the wind through those beautiful rises.  We would smell the air, and take in the beauty around us.

The Loess Hills are a rare and unusual landform, but they are not permanent; loess terrain is dynamic and rapidly evolving. The Loess Hills of Iowa are extremely fragile. They have one of the highest erosion rates in the U.S.. Erosion from rainfall and flooding removes loess from the hills and redeposits it on the flood plain from which it came, and the clearing of some of the land for agriculture has accelerated this erosion.
My mom was a master naturalist, long before that idea had a name, and  had a deep appreciation and love for nature and for it’s history. She worried about the future of places like this, and if they would be here for future generations to enjoy. She once said to me that we need nature to live not just physically but spiritually. “Nature feeds our spirit,” she would say. “In nature, we can get a glimpse of the majesty and wonder of Our Creator.”
 I know she was right.  I was oh so lucky to grow up with a woman who instilled in me her love of God’s earth and to appreciate it’s beauty.
Because of her, I can recognize a bird by it’s song, and name countless wildflowers and native vegetation. I can sit in silence, alone in the hills, and feel close to The One who created it all.

When I am lonely for her voice, her touch, her smile, I know I can go to those hills, and feel her presence. I know I will find comfort there, I can feel God’s presence in places like those hills better than I can any place else on earth. I can hear His voice, and, I can hear my mother’s voice too, echoing in my mind, telling me once again the stories of the land, and I am comforted. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

If You Don't Like It..Do Someting!

Photo origination unknown.

We live in a “Jump on the bandwagon” culture of distraction. I’m sorry, but the truth is it doesn't matter what race, color, religion, lifestyle or gender we are....we are all just one mistake away from becoming just another infamous hashtag.  I scroll through my news feeds on Twitter or Facebook and have to admit, I get a little cranky sometimes. I’m not refering the cute or funny images intended to brighten your day or make us laugh. I love to see videos of people making positive changes, photos of family and friends, and the inspiring post to that may help to lighten the load of a burdened friend in need of  an uplifting message.  I’m talking about the violent videos, the one sided news flashes, or the messages that convey hatred, anger or just plain lies. Too many of us are manipulated by the latest hashtag campaigns and flashy pictures that deliver a false sense of camaraderie. Seriously folks!!  Posting random videos, caricatures, or statements you just happen to run across on your social media site because it looks good and initially may seem like you agree doesn’t change anything really, and it doesn’t truly help anyone!  Change won't come with anger and hate or posting commentaries  aimed at misleading individuals. There are always two sides to every story, whether you are willing to admit that or not.  Hate only breeds more hate. Love and concern for all humanity can make the changes necessary to turn things around.  People need to educate themselves and do the real work of starting in their own communities and working to change things and inspire people in their own backyards.
I see so many people complaining about the issues of the day and not really doing anything about it. I witness every day well intentioned individuals unknowingly promoting racism, hatred and ignorance. I have a news flash for some of you.  All white people aren’t racist, all black people aren’t thugs, all the poor aren’t lazy and uneducated, all Christians aren’t fanatical loons and just because someone is wealthy doesn’t mean they are evil or greedy!!
Where is the real revolution?  I can promise you won’t find it on your computer screen following the mindless dribble put out there by small-minded people with a hidden agenda. Don’t’ get me wrong, social media can be a good thing…..and raises awareness on a number of social issues; it can bring about a fast and powerful movement. But the dark side of those movements is that too much background is ignored, hidden, misrepresented and limits any real action.   We have all fallen victim at times to the latest frenzy of information overload at one time or another.  NO one is immune. But we all have the ability to step back from the hype and think for ourselves, examine the facts and then act in a way that inspires others to join us in a movement towards a rebirth of the Spirit. It feels like we are living in the days of Judges again where so many do what they think is right in their own eyes. We tend to reflect our own righteousness and not the righteousness of Jesus.
What is the change that really needs to happen? Where are the stories of people actually making a difference for the good of all mankind? Do you want to spark a change in society? Do you want your voice to be heard and respected and to be the movement for real transformation?  Or do you just want to be another annoying voice among the crowd of sheep being lead to the slaughter?
 If you want to make a change, then do the real work my friend. Talk to your elders, listen to the voice of those who are peaceful, spirit-filled and have proven themselves to be real leaders. Study the politicians, look at both sides, write your congressmen, (do you know who they are?) speak at your church or community centers. Find out the truth for yourself!!  Come on folks……there are plenty of us however too many aren’t’ really doing anything but staring at computer screens or phones, looking to sharing the latest diversion.  Get out and interact, be creative, pray for a spirit of understanding and compassion, connect with people instead of provoking them into mindless drama-queen blither, disguised as real dialogue about the important issues of the day. 
There’s a lot of hard work out there to be done.but I have faith in My Father in Heaven and, in the goodness that lies within each of us. I truly believe we need to focus on the bigger picture, and remember that the greatest gift we can bestow upon our children for the future is the ability to be mindful – to pay attention to the things and to the people that are actually around us. Volunteer at a shelter,  talk with a troubled teen, host meetings to discuss the needs of your community and putting a  plan into action or organize a fund raising for those less fortunate both in and out of our communities. There are a multitude of things we can do that actually CAN make a difference.
 So what are you going to do?  There is a quote from a favorite movie of mine that says, “Get busy living or get busy dying”.  Let me change that a little and set a new challenge before you : “Get busy living or stay busy distracted-- dying---in front of your computer---while the world falls apart around you”. Which will you do?