Thursday, January 22, 2015

“The War on Women in America”: Rhetoric or A Real Issue?

Personally, I find the phrase "War on Women in America"  rather offensive . I would rather others view me on a world of other issues rather than female reproductive rights alone. Women are so much more!!
Today’s woman is educated: There are more with high degrees of education.  Women are earning most associate, bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees. (For every 100 degrees men got last year, women got 140)  
Today’ s woman has earning power like never before: Contrary to what some want us to believe, the wage gap has almost been entirely eliminated. (When you compare men and women in similar jobs, with similar experience, education, years in the workforce and hours worked, the wage gap all but vanishes)  
Today’s woman is competent: Census data shows women control over 50% of private wealth in the U.S. and make  about 80% of household spending decisions.
 What exactly is this women's war we are suppose to be fighting in this country? There are thousands upon thousands of women who are doing an awesome job in a challenging world. I know scores of single women, who are independent, fulfilled and happy; working hard to achieve their dreams. Of course, I face challenges every single day as does everyone; they are just not the challenges certain politicians of a more liberal mindset would like me to believe.
Is there really a Republican war on women?  If you are trying to convince me to side with you on that point, you will have to do more than try to make me believe we as women are lagging behind someplace. We are not; at least in the United States of America.
I am not a victim of any corporation or in today’s society at large; I am strong., I have rights, granted by the 19th amendment . 
Access to birth control is not at the top of the majority of American women’s’ biggest concerns. Don’t patronize us in that way. There are many other more important issues to discuss.. Let’s take the focus away from this kind of rhetoric and put it back where it belongs on more important issues facing this country today.