Monday, August 17, 2015

Reminder: Puppets are Not People

Let me say right off I mean no disrespect to my beloved friends who are gay.   But while thousands of people are starving to death in Africa, and millions more suffer all around the world, horrors we can only imagine, Americans are fretting over Ernie and Bert. 
Let that sink in for a moment.
Americans are talking about the Sesame Street puppets Ernie and Bert being gay. 
Seriously? ( Or as my Danish grandmother would say ”OOF-TA!”)
Photo Source: Sesame Street Inc. 
The New Yorker magazine published an article stating the beloved and well known Sesame Street chareacters were gay, with a photo of them snuggling and watching TV. 
A statement put out by Sesame Street officials said they were not gay. 
Oh who to believe!!
 I have a few thoughts:
1. Who cares about their sex life?  Wait, They are puppets for goodness sake they don't have a sex life because they are not real!
2. This is silly; does everything, even inanimate objects need to come out slinging the sword of someone's agenda?  Does everything have to be a teachable moment for children?
3.  I think we endanger out children when we try to hurry them into adulthood by pushing ideas about sexuality too early. (Especially when it comes to pieces of cloth with buggy eyes and wild hair) In this day and age, children are growing up flooded with messages about sex and sexuality through the media and elsewhere! Is that necessary? Why don’t we make it more of a priority to protect a small child’s innocence? Why not let them discover things about themselves and their place in life gradually and naturally under the care of loving, rational adults?
I find it all a little strange myself.  
 If Ernie and Bert live together that is their business! Are they best friends or gay? Are they citizens of the US? I wonder if they are Jewish? Who cares!! Let them live in peace and privacy and don’t taint the good work they do for children by prying into their sex life.  Better yet, remember they are puppets. Lets grow up and realize everything doesn’t need to be about an agenda!! Some things in life are just meant to be enjoyed, and some questions are just not meant to be answered! Don’t discriminate!! Accept Ernie and Bert for who they are: puppets; who wish to live their lives like any other puppet, free from the stigma of gender labels and political agendas! 

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