Friday, February 20, 2015

The Good Thing About "Fifty Shades of Grey"

Yep, you read that title right!   I didn’t’ see the movie, and I don’t have plans to see it. I sadly did however, read the book, (a choice I would not make again)
But in my opinion, there is a positive side to the movie everyone has been talking about and it most likely isn’t what you are thinking. I’m not going to rant on the violence and the out of control male domination the move glamorizes,  I won’t voice my confusion on how such a story is billed as a romantic love story or how our society has come to deem this kind of abuse ok.  Instead, I am going to look at the conversations started about it’s release and use it in a small way to make a positive change.
I personally view a movie like this as a slap in the face to women trying to live free from violence and abuse. I know there are women in this world who are trying to escape “Fifty Shades” type relationships that have been battered, traumatized and made to think it is their fault. The movie is more about one person’s pleasure and emotions rather than two.  
Instead of just writing a post about the degrading way the movie depicts a relationship, I am going to do something; and I challenge you to do the same.
Right now there are thousands upon thousands of women (and men) trapped in abusive relationships, or hiding in fear of their supposed lover. They live every day in their own private hell.  You can find them in your local shelters, or surf the net to see the different organizations all over the world aimed at saving women from abuse at the hands of the very person who is suppose to love them. I challenge you to seek out different organizations in your communities or in other parts of the world and find a way to help. Actually, chances are you know someone who is in an abusive relationship, and that is a great place to start. Your support and encouragement can be of tremendous help to someone who feels isolated and alone in their fight. Educate yourself to the signs of abuse, and how you can help. The possibilities are endless.
 Some may label my view as prudish; but I know that  sexual expression was created by God for us to experience the greatest joy that comes in the act of self-giving, not self-seeking.  I know that to sit idly by and not speak out and do something against the kind of pornography this movie depicts is to participate in it. I know that abuse of someone reaches far beyond the victim sometimes, as too often, children are involved. 
So my friends, I am finding ways to raise awareness of the fact that many men and women live every day in a “Fifty Shades” relationship.  I need to do something. How about you?

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