Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Misplaced Fear of Donald Trump

Here's something to think about for all who are fearful of Donald Trump.  Spreading Trumpaphobia to the masses seems to be the latest fear mongering weapon of choice for the Left. I wonder if those who fear him realize we have someone sitting in the White House right now who IS doing exactly what people are fearful Trump MIGHT do. Let me explain: I care about everyone. I care that if someone is uncomfortable using a specific bathroom then we should help, we should be sure their rights are protected just as every other American citizen. Trans friends have most likely been using the bathroom of their choosing forever, you just didn't notice. I am not here to debate that issue. However the way the Obama administration set forth the directive for schools in terms of bathroom policies seems alarmingly unlawful. Obama used a sort of "blackmail " to force schools to follow his directive. No room for debate, no room to let schools and states handle things on a local level, no time or room for discussion of possible better ideas to help all young people. This was not an executive order; this was a directive. There is a difference. You see, at least two provisions of federal law ban discrimination on the basis of sex: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers employment, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.When lawmakers passed the education amendments, they did not consider that the law could one day be applied to gender identity. (Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom). It seems the Obama administration did not follow proper procedure for making new regulations, which would leave the larger issue unsettled, or that its interpretation of Title IX is inconsistent with the law and in turn possibly jeopardize future rights of transgenders or any gender, race or faith back ground for that matter under any future president. Using the false narrative that opposition to his tactics is somehow phobic or fearful is simply untrue. All Americans deserve rights and freedom under our United States Constitution. No one is fearful of anything but the possibility that all American’s rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution are slowly being eroded away. Freedom erosion should be a concern to all Americans. People should be very concerned; Americans on both sides of this issue need to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee. The more critical debate we should be having is not over who goes in what bathroom, but rather if this administrations callous disregard for constitutional laws and due process is now the weapon of their choice.

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